Aims at adding a new feature/application/business to Wix.
It can be anything from a small feature to a full application.
Production ready - For Production readyness checklist - click here.
Business impact -
Can it improve Wix’s conversion?
Can it improve user conversion rates?
Can it help gain user traffic?
Can it make it simpler to create a site?
Can it help users create sites that we’re not able to support today?
Can it create a whole new Wix service/business?
Product coherence -
Are the product flows coherent?
Does it make sense?
Is the product scope complete?
Is it just a PoC showing partial flows?
How it looks - UX/design.
How innovative is it? Where is it on the scale of "simple & innovative" vs. "innovative, yet really complex"?
If it is Proof of Concept - does it show that the main problem/challenge is solvable?